sustainable investing


Investing to Improve Lives While Caring for the Environment.

The adoptation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria is on the rise, particularly in Africa. More investors are starting to take social or environmental decisions into account when making investment decisions.

Boinu Capital aims to invest alongside managers who have Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies that are in-line with the key standards set by the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). For investors who care as much about social and environmental impact as they do investment returns, Boinu can offer solutions by identifying managers who offer the potential for compelling financial returns while demonstrating positive environmental impact, social impact, or in many cases, both.

Sustainable investing will be a core component for how everyone invests in the future. We are only at the early stages.
— Larry Fink, CEO and Chairman of BlackRock




The percent of African households with internet access went from 2% in 2005 to 28% in 2018, with exponential growth expected over the next decade. Technology helps to create efficiencies that can reduce waste, increase productivity, and enhance standard of living. Among the fastest growing sub-sectors in technology are fintech (mobile payments), e-commerce, and hardware. Fintech startups received the most investment in Africa in 2018, at $284.6 million.

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Behind fintech, “cleantech” atrracted the most investment dollars in 2018 ($143.5 million). With energy demand expected to soar, renewable projects like wind and solar are experiencing robust growth and opportunity.

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ESG at Work

In 2017, the African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (AVCA) conducted a survey of 231 ESG companies, and found that they collectively created a net increase of 20,806 new jobs, of which 67% were male employees and 33% were female employees. Private equity has a unique advantage in this space not only by creating jobs for ESG companies, but also in having a strong developmental impact for women’s economic empowerment.

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Agriculture represents Africa’s largest economic sector and employs over 50% of Africa’s workforce. Agricultural investments in Africa are proving to have substantial social impact and critical economic benefit. Areas of investment include supply chains, refrigeration, “agritech,” sustainable farming, model farming, and more.

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